
Sacred Mountain Varese (UNESCO)

The Sacred Mountain of Varese is an iconic location located in the province of Varese, located in the Regional Park Campo dei Fiori in Lombardy. The mountain is widely known for its rich cultural history and breathtaking views. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2003, recognizing it as a global symbol of peace and harmony.

Sacred Mountain Varese rises up to 800 meters above sea level. It’s 14 Chapels winding along a pebbly path of about 2 km  is a fascinating Marian itinerary . The fifth chapel is dedicated to the Dispute of Jesus with doctors. Atop the mountain sits the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Monte—a stunning Romanesque-style church dating back to 1709 that has become a popular pilgrimage destination over time.

Climbing to the summit of Sacred Mountain Varese gives visitors an experience like no other; there’s a sense of awe inspired by the breathtaking views of Lake Maggiore and the surrounding foothills. The area has been an important pilgrimage site since ancient times, and when you reach the peak you can feel that energy still lingering in the air. It also provides fantastic opportunities for birdwatchers, as there are many species which live on or around Sacred Mountain Varese.

Statue in the XIV chapel along the historic pilgrimage to the Sacred Mount of Varese.

Lesen Sie, was andere über ihre Erfahrungen berichten

  • Milena “Mil” Korczak
    vor einer Woche
    Super nice place, reachable also for older people with a cable car, and then a nice walk down not...
  • Rafaele Fiorella
    vor 7 Monaten
    Winding mountain road from Varese, beautiful. Once at the top, park on the street (paid) and set...
  • RH
    vor 9 Monaten
    Great place to visit if you are around! The "Santuario di Santa Maria del Monte" church on top is a...
  • Suzanne Warwick
    vor 9 Monaten
    So worth the walk up hills. Very interesting and surprising. Be care if you want to go in Santa...
  • Andrea Larcan
    vor 10 Monaten
    Great walk in the Varese neighbourhood with 14 chapels up to the 'Sacro Monte di Varese'. It is a...

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